The Book of Mirdad by Mikhail Naimy
Author:Mikhail Naimy
Language: eng
Format: epub
Tags: The Book of Mirdad
ISBN: 9781780283081
Publisher: Watkins Media
Published: 2011-11-12T16:00:00+00:00
MIRDAD: How strange that you, children of Time and Space, are not aware as yet that Time is the universal memory inscribed on the tablets of Space.
If you, being limited by the senses, can yet remember certain things between your birth and death, how much more so can Time which was before your birth and lasts indefinitely beyond your death?
I say to you that Time remembers everything at all – not only that of which you have a vivid recollection, but that as well of which you are entirely unaware.
For there is no oblivion in Time; no, not of the slightest movement, or breath, or whim. And all that is kept in the memory of Time is graven deep upon the things in Space.
The very earth you tread; the very air you breathe, the very houses you dwell in can readily reveal to you the most minute details in the records of your lives, past, present and to come, had you but the stamina to read and the keenness to grasp the meaning.
In life as in death; on the Earth as beyond the Earth, you never are alone, but are in constant company of things and beings which have their share in your life and death, as you have yours in their life and death. As you partake of them, so they partake of you; and as you seek them, so they seek you.
Man has a will in everything; and each thing has a will in Man. The interchange goes on uninterrupted. But a woefully bad accountant is the failing memory of Man. Not so the faultless memory of Time which keeps a most exact account of Man’s relations with his fellow-men and all the other beings in the Universe, and forces him to settle his accounts each twinkling of an eye, life after life and death after death.
A thunderbolt would never strike a house except that house draw it to itself. The house is as much to account for its ruin as the bolt.
A bull would never gore a man except that man invite the bull to gore him. And verily that man is more to answer for his blood than is the bull.
The murdered whets the dagger of the murderer, and both deliver the fatal thrust.
The robbed directs the movements of the robber, and both commit the robbery.
Aye, Man invites his own calamities and then protests against the irksome guests, having forgotten how and when and where he penned and sent out the invitations. But Time does not forget; and Time delivers in due season each invitation to the right address; and Time conducts each invitee to the dwelling of the host.
I say to you, protest not any guest lest he avenge his slighted pride by tarrying too long, or by making his visits more frequent than otherwise he would consider meet.
Be kind and hospitable to all your guests whatever be their mien and their behaviour; for they in truth are but your creditors. Give the obnoxious ones
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